<& "/contenido/components/header.msn" &> <& "/contenido/components/naviline.msn", sect_id => $owner->id &>
<& "/contenido/components/subsection.msn", section => $owner &> <& "/contenido/components/class_filter.msn", class=> $class, section => $owner &> % if (( $owner->id ) && ($owner->id > 0) ) % { <& "/contenido/components/section_info.msn", section => $owner &> % } % my @LEFT = $m->comp('components/tasks.msn'); % my %LEFTh = map { $_->{attr} => $_ } (@LEFT); % if (ref($request->{tab}->{lefts})) % { % for my $left (@{ $request->{tab}->{lefts} }) % { % next if (! exists($LEFTh{$left})); <& '/contenido/components/'.$LEFTh{$left}->{component}, %ARGS &> % } % }
1) Дата и время документа - поле, которое Вы можете редактировать.

Кроме этого у каждого документа существует еще две временные отметки - дата создания (ctime) и дата модификации (mtime). Это служебные поля и Вы не можете их изменять (они доступны только для чтения).
  % if($owner->id) {
Документы\ % if ($class) { класса <% $class %>\ % if ($use_section) { c учетом текущей секции\ % } % } else { в разделе\ % } % if (!$owner->no_count && $total > 0) { (всего: <% $total %>, показано с <% $first + 1 %> по <% ($first + $n > $total) ? $total : $first + $n %>) % } elsif ( $owner->no_count ) { (без пересчета, показано с <% $first + 1 %> по <% $first + scalar @documents %>) % } % if ($total || scalar @documents || defined($alpha) || defined($search) ) { % if ($section_access == 2) { <& "/contenido/components/new_objects_form.msn", proto => 'documents', sect_id => $owner->id, default => ($owner->default_document_class ? $owner->default_document_class : undef) &> % }
Поиск по букве:  [сброс фильтра]
<& /inc/alpha.msn, alpha=>$alpha, params=>\%ARGS, &>
% ## Форма поиска. Работает при включенном фильтре класса % ## и описанной для класса функции search_fields % ######################################################## % if ( $filter{class} ) { % my $document = $filter{class}->new ($keeper); % my @fields = $document->search_fields; % if ( @fields ) { % my @props = $document->required_properties;
Поиск по полю:  [сброс фильтра]
% if ( $id ) { % } % if ( $class ) { % } % if ( $use_section ) { % }
% } % }
% if ( $owner->no_count ) { <& /inc/pages_nocount.msn, p=>$p, n=>$n, found=> scalar @documents, href=>'sections.html', params=>\%ARGS, size => 15 &> % } else { <& /inc/pages_.msn, p=>$p, n=>$n, total=>$total, href=>'sections.html', params=>\%ARGS, &> % }
<& /contenido/components/section_browse.msn, documents => \@documents, columns => \@columns, section => $owner, filter => \%filter_params, %ARGS &>
% if ( $owner->no_count ) { <& /inc/pages_nocount.msn, p=>$p, n=>$n, found=> scalar @documents, href=>'sections.html', params=>\%ARGS, size => 15 &> % } else { <& /inc/pages_.msn, p=>$p, n=>$n, total=>$total, href=>'sections.html', params=>\%ARGS, &> % }
% } else {

---- Нет документов -----

% } % % if ($section_access == 2) { <& "/contenido/components/new_objects_form.msn", proto => 'documents', sect_id => $owner->id, default => ($owner->default_document_class ? $owner->default_document_class : undef) &> % }
% } <%args> $id => undef $p => 1 $class => undef $use_section => undef $alpha => undef $alpha_search => undef $search_by => undef $search => undef $update => undef $delete => undef <%init> $id = 0 if $id =~ /\D/; my $owner; # Операции... if ($id && ($id > 0)) { $owner = $keeper->get_section_by_id($id); } if (! ref($owner)) { return undef; } my %filter_params; $filter_params{use_section} = $use_section if $use_section; $filter_params{class} = $class if $class; $filter_params{alpha} = $alpha if $alpha; $filter_params{alpha_search} = $alpha_search if $alpha_search; $filter_params{search_by} = $search_by if $search_by; $filter_params{search} = $search if $search; $filter_params{p} = $p if $p > 1; $filter_params{s} = $id if $id; # Фильтры работают в любом случае... my $filter = $m->comp('/contenido/components/context.msn', name => 'filter'); my $profile = $m->comp('/contenido/components/context.msn', name => 'profile'); unless (defined $request->{section_accesses}->{$id}) { $request->{section_accesses}->{$id} = $user->get_section_access($id); } my $section_access = $request->{section_accesses}->{$id}; my (@documents, $total); my $s = $owner->id; my $sorted = $owner->_sorted(); $s .= ",$filter" if ($filter > 0); if ($update) { my $return_params = join ('&', map { $_.'='.$filter_params{$_} } grep { $_ ne 's' } keys %filter_params ); my %updated; while ( my ($field, $value) = each %ARGS ) { if ( $field =~ /^update_(\d+)_(\w+)$/ ) { my $oid = $1; my $attr = $2; $updated{$oid}{$attr} = $value; } } my %classes = map { $_->{class} => 1 } values %updated; foreach my $update_class ( keys %classes ) { my @ids; while ( my ($oid, $attr) = each %updated) { push @ids, $oid if $attr->{class} eq $update_class; } my @objects = $keeper->get_documents ( id => \@ids, class => $update_class ) if @ids; foreach my $object ( @objects ) { my $document_access = $user->section_accesses($user, $object->section); next unless $document_access == 2; my $fields = $updated{$object->id}; my @props = grep { exists $_->{inline} && $_->{inline} } $object->structure; if ( ref $fields eq 'HASH' ) { foreach my $prop ( @props ) { my $attr = $prop->{attr}; my $value = ref $fields && exists $fields->{$attr} ? $fields->{$attr} : undef; if ( $prop->{type} eq 'checkbox' ) { $value = $value ? 1 : undef; } if ( exists $prop->{db_type} ) { if ( $prop->{db_type} eq 'float' ) { for ( $value ) { s/\,/\./; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; } if ( $value eq '' ) { $value = undef; } } elsif ( $prop->{db_type} eq 'integer' || $prop->{db_type} eq 'smallint' ) { $value =~ s/\D//sg if $value; if ( $value eq '' ) { $value = undef; } } } $object->$attr($value); } $object->store; } } } $m->redirect("sections.html?id=".$id.($return_params ? '&'.$return_params : '')); } if ( $delete ) { my $return_params = join ('&', map { $_.'='.$filter_params{$_} } grep { $_ ne 's' } keys %filter_params ); my %deleted; while ( my ($field, $value) = each %ARGS ) { if ( $field =~ /^delete_(\d+)_(\w+)$/ ) { my $oid = $1; my $attr = $2; $deleted{$oid}{$attr} = $value; } } my %classes = map { $_->{class} => 1 } values %deleted; foreach my $delete_class ( keys %classes ) { my @ids; while ( my ($oid, $attr) = each %deleted) { push @ids, $oid if exists $attr->{id} && $attr->{id} && ($attr->{class} eq $delete_class); } my @objects = $keeper->get_documents ( id => \@ids, class => $delete_class ) if @ids; foreach my $object ( @objects ) { my $document_access = $user->section_accesses($user, $object->section); next unless $document_access == 2; $object->delete; } } $m->redirect("sections.html?id=".$id.($return_params ? '&'.$return_params : '')); } if ( $ARGS{move} || $ARGS{link} ) { my $return_params = join ('&', map { $_.'='.$filter_params{$_} } grep { $_ ne 's' } keys %filter_params ); if ( exists $ARGS{tree} && $ARGS{tree} && $ARGS{tree} != $owner->id ) { my %updated; while ( my ($field, $value) = each %ARGS ) { if ( $field =~ /^delete_(\d+)_(\w+)$/ ) { my $oid = $1; my $attr = $2; $updated{$oid}{$attr} = $value; } } warn Dumper \%updated; my %classes = map { $_->{class} => 1 } values %updated; my $parent_new = $keeper->get_section_by_id( $ARGS{tree} ); my $document_access = $user->section_accesses($user, $parent_new->id); if ( $document_access == 2 ) { foreach my $update_class ( keys %classes ) { my @ids; while ( my ($oid, $attr) = each %updated) { push @ids, $oid if exists $attr->{id} && $attr->{id} && ($attr->{class} eq $update_class); } my @objects = $keeper->get_documents ( id => \@ids, class => $update_class ) if @ids; my ($prop) = grep { $_->{attr} eq 'sections' } $update_class->new( $keeper )->structure; if ( ref $prop && exists $prop->{db_type} && exists $prop->{db_field} ) { foreach my $object ( @objects ) { if ( $prop->{db_type} eq 'integer[]' ) { my @sections = grep { $_ != $parent_new->id } $object->sections; if ( @sections && $sections[0] == $owner->id ) { if ( $ARGS{move} ) { shift @sections; unshift @sections, $parent_new->id; } else { push @sections, $parent_new->id; } } else { if ( $ARGS{move} ) { @sections = grep { $_ != $owner->id } @sections; } unshift @sections, $parent_new->id; } $object->sections( @sections ); } else { $object->sections( $parent_new->id ); } $object->store; } } } } } $m->redirect("sections.html?id=".$id.($return_params ? '&'.$return_params : '')); } my %filter=(); my $nothing_found = 0; my %order = (not $class and $owner->order_by) ? (order_by => $owner->order_by) : (order => ['date','direct']); if (defined $alpha and $alpha ne '') { $filter{ilike}=1; $filter{ $alpha_search || 'name' }="$alpha%"; $order{order}=['name','reverse']; delete $order{order_by}; } if ( $class ) { $filter{class} = $class; } elsif ( $owner->default_document_class ) { $filter{class} = $owner->default_document_class; } elsif ( $owner->default_table_class ) { $filter{table} = $owner->default_table_class; } $filter{s}=$s unless ($class && !$use_section); if ( $search_by && defined $search ) { my $doc_class = $class || $owner->default_document_class; if ( $doc_class ) { my @props = $doc_class->new( $keeper )->structure(); my ($prop) = grep { $_->{attr} eq $search_by } @props if @props; if ( ref $prop && ($prop->{type} eq 'integer' || $prop->{type} eq 'checkbox' || (($prop->{type} eq 'pickup' || $prop->{type} eq 'lookup') && $search =~ /^\d+$/) || (exists $prop->{db_type} && $prop->{db_type} =~ /integer\[\]/) )) { $filter{$search_by} = int($search); } elsif ( ref $prop && ($prop->{type} eq 'pickup' || $prop->{type} eq 'lookup') && $search =~ /\D/ ) { my $lookup_opts = $prop->{lookup_opts}; if ( ref $lookup_opts && (exists $lookup_opts->{class} || exists $lookup_opts->{table}) ) { my $search_field = exists $lookup_opts->{search_by} ? $lookup_opts->{search_by} : 'name'; my @ids = $keeper->get_documents ( ids => 1, exists $lookup_opts->{class} ? (class => $lookup_opts->{class}) : (table => $lookup_opts->{table}), ilike => 1, $search_field => '%'.$search.'%', ); if ( @ids ) { $filter{$search_by} = \@ids; } else { $nothing_found = 1; } } } else { $filter{$search_by}='%'.$search.'%'; $filter{ilike} = 1; } } else { $filter{$search_by}='%'.$search.'%'; $filter{ilike} = 1; } } # Дополнительные фильтры раздела if ($owner->filters) { no strict 'vars'; my $filters = eval($owner->filters); if ($@) { warn "Bad filter: " . $owner->filters . " in section " . $owner->id; } elsif (ref $filters eq 'HASH') { while ( my ($key, $val) = each %$filters ) { $filter{$key} = $val; } } } $total = $keeper->get_documents(%filter, count=>1) unless $owner->no_count; my $n = 40; my $first = $n * ($p - 1); ($first,$p)=(0,0) if (!$owner->no_count && $first>$total); unless ( $nothing_found ) { if ($class && !$use_section) { @documents = $keeper->get_documents(%filter, %order, limit=>$n, offset=>$first); } elsif ($sorted) { @documents = $keeper->get_sorted_documents(%filter, limit=>$n, offset=>$first); } else { @documents = $keeper->get_documents(%filter, %order, limit=>$n, offset=>$first); } } # набор колонок таблицы документов... my @columns = $sorted ? ({attr => '_sort_', name => 'N'}) : (); # пытаемся найти колонки, которые документ сам пожелал показать (required_properties -> column)... if ($filter{class} or @documents and $documents[0]) { push @columns, sort {$a->{column} <=> $b->{column}} grep {$_->{column}} ($filter{class} ? $filter{class}->new($keeper)->structure : $documents[0]->structure); } # стандартная жопка таблицы... @columns = (@columns, {attr => '_act_', rusname => 'Действия'}, );